District Profile

Major Farming System / Enterprises (based on the analysis made by the KVK)

S.N. Farming system/enterprise
AES - I Agriculture + Animal Husbandry (100%)
AES - II Agriculture + Animal Husbandry (90%), Agriculture + Animal Husbandry + Horticulture (10%)
AES - III Agriculture + Animal Husbandry (75%), Agriculture + Animal Husbandry + Horticulture (25%)

Mainpuri is a District of Agra Division, Uttar Pradesh, India, is bounded on the North by Etah District, on the East by District Farrukhabad and Kannauj, on the South by District Etawah and on West by the District Firozabad and Etah. It lies between North Latitude 260 53' to 270 31' and East Longitude 780 27' to 790 26'


Description of Agro - Climatic Zone & Major are Ecological Situation (based on soil and topography)


S.N. Agro-climatic Zone Characteristics
1 South-West Semi-arid Zone IV Semi-arid, with maximum temperature 45.6°C and minimum 7.4°C, Rainfall 620-750 mm, Alluvial soil originated from Ganges and its tributaries. Textural classes varies from Sandy-loam to Silty –clay-loam
S.N. Agro - Climatical Situation Characteristics
1 AES - I Loam and Sandy loam Soil with ph less than 8.0
2 AES - II Sandy Loam and Saline Soil with pH more than 8.5, Irrigated through Borewells
3 AES - III Sandy - Loam Soil with pH 8-9, with very low water table


Soil Types


S.N. Soil Types Characteristics Area (ha)
1 Sandy - 85341.00 (31%)
2 Sandy Loam - 156083.00 (57%)
3 Others - 31659.00 (12%)


Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district


S.N. Crop Area (ha) Production (q) Productivity (q/ha)
Kharif Paddy 89318 233920 25.07
  Bajara 14879 28558 19.23
  Maize 56329 1222771 23.75
  Groundnut 209 1510 7.35
Rabi Wheat 143712 481663 33.52
  Barley 2415 7372 30.52
  Gram 954 12470 9.99
  Field Pea 1313 38620 12.03
  Mustard / Toria 9683 107240 16.47
  Potato 16402 3221844 196.43
Zaid Summer Groundnut 36000 941400 26.15
  Moong 2899 2499 8.62
  Urd 1300 1166 8.97
  Onion 350 8750 225.00
  Spring Maize 9750 433875 44.50


Weather Data


Month Rainfall (mm)
April 2014 10.60
May 2014 0.00
June 2014 39.40
July 2014 147.30
August 2014 129.30
September 2014 154.20
October 2014 7.20
November 2014 0.00
December 2014 19.10
January 2015 22.30
February 2015 0.00
March 2015 77.35
Total 606.75


Weather Data


Category Population
Cattle (indigenous) 76312
Cattle (Cross breed) 5066
Buffalo 2,82,430
Sheep 4077
Goats 196866
Pigs 19496
Poultry 63426
Pond 18.98 ha


Details of Operational area / Villages (2014 - 15)


S.N. Taluk Name of Block Name of Village Major Crop & Enterprises Major Problems Identified Thrust Area
1 Mainpuri Sadar Mainpuri Sadar, Kurawali Sikandarpur, Daulatpur, Nagla Munshi, Sansarpur, Rajpura Wheat, Rapeseed, Summer Groundnut, Sesamum, Bajara Low yield of Wheat, rapeseed, sesamum, groundnut and bajara due to use of local seed, no use of sulphur and poor weed management Varietal replacement, weed management In wheat, varietal replacement, use of sulphur in rapeseed, groundnut and sesamum.
2 Bhogoan Sultangang Bhadura, Sweai, Sujapur, Pal, Ramnagar, Ahirwa, Mirjapur, Bhashuahar, Nagla Munsi, Nagla Beehari Rice, Maize , Sesamum, Vegetable Pea, Wheat, Bottleguard, Field Pea Azad P-1 and Azad P-3, Mustard, Tomato, Garlic, Potato Nutritional Kitchen Garden, Vaccination in Live Stocks Low yield of rice, Maize, Bajara, Sesamum, Vegetable Pea, Wheat, Onion Bottleguard, Field Pea, Tomato, Garlic, Potato Due to Imbalance use of Nutrients , Local seeds poor weed management and lack of IPM practices lack of nutritional garden and poor vaccination in live stocks INM in Rice, Maize, Bajara, Wheat, Potato Varietal Replacement in Rice, Maize, Bajara, Sesamum, Vegetable Pea, Wheat, Bottleguard, Field Pea, Onion Garlic, IPM Practices in Potato, Tomato, Rice and Garlic. Nutritional kitchen gardening Vaccination in cattle and buffalo and deworming in goats.
    Bewar Barahar Maize Low yield of maize due to use of composite varieties Introduction of hybrid varieties of maize
3 Karhal Karhal Manikpur Improved basmati rice, mustard, late sown wheat Low yield of basmati rice, wheat and mustard due to use of local seed Introduction of high yielding varieties of basmati rice and late sown wheat.


Priority / Thrust Areas


Crop / Enterprise Thrust Area
Rice Varietal Replacement, Integrated Pest Management, Integrated Nutrient Management
Wheat Varietal Replacement, Integrated Nutrient Management, Weed management.
Maize Varietal Replacement by Hybrid Variety, Integrated Nutrient Management.
Bajara Varietal Replacement by Hybrid Variety.
Rapeseed Integrated Crop Management.
Groundnut Integrated Crop Management.
Sesamum Integrated Crop Management.
Fieldpea Varietal Replacement.
Garlic and Vegetable pea Varietal Replacement.
Potato Integrated Nutrient Management.
Onion Integrated Nutrient Management.
Tomato Varietal Replacement.
Live Stocks Vaccination, Deworming, Infertility Camp.